Temporary closure due to COVID-19 measures
In light of the latest Government ruling of non-essentials business having to close, we will temporary close our studio doors as of midday Monday 23/03/2020 until further notice.
We are saddened by the news but hopefully with these drastic measures in place it will help contain the spread and get us back to business as per usual sooner.
While we are closed - we will be streaming our Private and Mat sessions online via Skype/ FaceTime or Zoom to stay connected and keep up our Pilates instruction. You can contact us as per usual for any enquiries.
During this time, I urge everyone to continue to stay active and healthy, this may not stop the spread but it will certainly help to ward off the virus or lessen the severity if you get sick.
Please be positive and strong and know that we will survive.
Stay connected and we look forward to opening our studio doors to you again once the restrictions lift and the virus is contained.
Till then please take care and be safe.
In Strength and Spirit,
We the team at True Pilates Sydney studio -
Pablo, Yusun, Carol and I
Wish you the very best.